Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AL Wild Card - Jing-le Bells

Tropicana Field
Grove vs Moore
A's 3, Rays 2 (14 Inn)

October 2nd, Tampa Bay (0700)

Connie Mack knew that everything was riding on this game... Philadelphia had to win.  Tampa Bay had been a challenge during the regular season.  How could the team pull it off? Offensively his team was a powerhouse, but the pitching staff had been the team’s weakness. Grove was the best starter available, so picking the him was easy.  The game would have a DH which would allow the team to bring in French.  Mack then decided on a stroke of boldness, many would likely call it insanity.  Collins and Cochrane would sit this one out in favor of Bishop and Perkins.  If he was wrong, he would be roasted by the Philadelphia Press – those hacks at the Inquirer could be brutal. The day passed quickly and it was time for the game…

October 2nd, Tampa Bay (2100)
The game started off rocky for both pitchers in the first but neither team could score.  Grove

and Moore settled down and owned the diamond jointly through the next four innings with no runs allowed to cross the plate for either team.  The wall cracked briefly for Tampa Bay in the 6th inning as Philadelphia put Galloway and Perkins aboard with no men out.  Ty Cobb was struck by a pitch loading the bases.  When the dust settled, Philadelphia led by 2 runs.

Tampa Bay responded in the 7th with a pair of their own runs and the game was tied.  Mack was getting nervous as Grove started to tire.  The relief squad was painful to watch in action.  Grove held out through the bottom of the 9th but couldn't continue with the game deadlocked. Jing Johnson was readied in the bullpen and came in to end the ninth.

More innings passed, 13 down with the deadlock in place. Mack was worried, each batter faced could spell doom for his team.   Mack and Jing Johnson had no idea that Johnson would pitch his best game of the season, facing 20 Tampa Bay batters, allowing 2 hits and 1 walk in nearly 6 innings of play.  Defensive help arrived from Cochrane, who saved the day as a defensive replacement in the 12th when he gunned down Fuld (the potential winning run) on 3rd base to end the inning.  Collins joined the action to cover 2nd base during the 13th with the knowledge that he would lead off the 14th.  During the top of the 14th, Collins smacked a double, with French's sacrifice bunt moving Collins to 3rd.  Philadelphia brought in the lead run and Tampa Bay's hopes were down to the bottom of the 14th.

Johnson had pitched well, but struck Keppinger at the top of the inning to put the tying run on first with no outs.  His form returned and the next two batters were gone.  Tampa Bay was down to its last out with Pena at bat. The pitches unfolded to a full count and he walked. The winning run was now on board the bases with two outs. Mack seriously contemplated pulling Johnson but a quote from Julius Caesar came to Mack at that moment and stopped his intervention. “Alea Jacta Est”, Mack uttered quietly.

Johnson retired that last batter and Philadelphia won its most precious victory of the season.

Post-game analysis, October 3rd, Tampa Bay (0215)

Having just concluded our interview with Mr. Mack, we have now returned to the radio press box.  We are happy to announce that Lefty Grove has been selected as game MVP.  At the close of our coverage tonight, we salute both teams for an epic duel that utilized 34 players including 9 pitchers.  We’re still perplexed by Mr. Mack’s sitting out two of his star players in such a high-powered game, but his gamble obviously worked.

October 3rd 1927, Tampa Bay

Alone in his hotel room late one night, Connie Mack awoke from a strange dream of victory…”Just wait he exclaimed, 1928 (no we almost will), but definitely 1929) is just around the corner and we will take the flag, I can feel it”.

--submitted by Stephen Lee--

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